
  • Peace activist runs for Congress in New Jersey

    Peace activist runs for Congress in New Jersey

    May 24, 2008

    As the June 3 state primary approaches, all eyes are on New Jersey’s First Congressional District, in the south part of the state. Last December Mahdi Ibn-Ziyad, a peace activist, declared his candidacy to run against...

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  • Where goes McCain, so goes the union

    Where goes McCain, so goes the union

    May 24, 2008

    CHICAGO — Wherever John McCain goes, despite efforts to keep his schedule under wraps, labor is there letting everyone know that his election would be a third term for President Bush. On May 19, the Republican...

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  • Its what Audrey wanted

    Its what Audrey wanted

    May 24, 2008

    BRONX, N.Y. — It looked like a river of purple and yellow winding its way through the streets of the Bronx May 3. It was, in fact, the striking workers at the Kingsbridge Heights Nursing Home...

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  • Criminal cover-up in deadly Utah mine blasts

    Criminal cover-up in deadly Utah mine blasts

    May 24, 2008

    House Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller (D-Calif.) formally asked the Justice Department, in an April 29 letter attached to the report, to investigate the two blasts at the mine. The first trapped and killed...

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  • Dont take my friends away

    Dont take my friends away

    May 24, 2008

    Raids break up families, union drive Questions: Where in this world do tax dollars pay government agents to park near preschool centers and watch parents drop off or pick up their babies? In what type of...

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