
  • Toxics and children

    Toxics and children

    December 7, 2007

    Here is a right to life issue. We’ve been hearing a lot in recent weeks about the dangers of toys from China that are contaminated with lead. But the true dimensions of the toxic threat against...

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  • The hawk and the Klansmen

    The hawk and the Klansmen

    December 7, 2007

    The Stavitch Bike Trail extends for 10 miles on the Mahoning River, just south and a little east of Youngstown, Ohio, past the giant ruins of Republic Steel and Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company and alongside...

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  • A political river is being crossed

    A political river is being crossed

    December 7, 2007 By Sam Webb

    We are at the cusp of a new stage of struggle that has the potential to shift the balance of forces in our country, not incrementally and momentarily, but decisively and enduringly in favor of the...

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  • Waterboarding: Torture or mere interrogation technique?

    Waterboarding: Torture or mere interrogation technique?

    December 7, 2007

    Waterboarding. This new name for something that has been around for centuries makes it sound like an Olympic sport. The term has been getting a lot of attention lately as a result of the recent confirmation...

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  • Protests tell GOP grinches: dont block kids health care

    Protests tell GOP grinches: dont block kids health care

    December 7, 2007

    WASHINGTON — In the spirit of holiday giving, labor and community activists are descending on lawmakers’ offices this month with a warning: enact SCHIP children’s health care by a veto-proof margin now or face removal from...

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