
  • How do you answer the racists?

    How do you answer the racists?

    November 9, 2007

    In the 2008 elections, the reactionaries are hoping to divide our progressive class with the immigration “wedge” issue. From what I have seen around North Texas so far, it is working pretty well for them. If...

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  • EDITORIAL: Just plain greed

    EDITORIAL: Just plain greed

    November 9, 2007

    Wall Street wizard Robert E. Rubin, former Clinton treasury secretary, is stepping in to clean up Citigroup, which recently forecast losses of $13 billion due to its role in the subprime mortgage racket. That bubble has...

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  • Factory farming: a cruel and destructive industry

    Factory farming: a cruel and destructive industry

    November 9, 2007

    The recent shared Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and to the United Nation’s International Panel on Climate Change revealed the UN’s important function as a world body to provide educational leadership in major challenges facing...

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  • Senate defies Bush, approves childrens health care bill

    Senate defies Bush, approves childrens health care bill

    November 9, 2007

    WASHINGTON — The Senate defied President Bush, Nov. 2, and approved for a third time a new version of the SCHIP children’s health care program by a 64-30 vote. Meanwhile, House leaders struggled to win over...

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  • Children suffer in immigration raids

    Children suffer in immigration raids

    November 9, 2007

    For every two people detained in immigration enforcement operations, one child is left behind, according to a recent report, “Paying the Price: The impact of Immigration Raids on America’s Children,” released by the National Council of...

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