
  • EDITORIAL: Sickest of the Sickos

    EDITORIAL: Sickest of the Sickos

    August 24, 2007

    If anything should be a no-brainer for the world’s richest country, it is making sure all its children have basic health care. That’s part of securing our nation’s future, right? Wrong, says the Bush administration. In...

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  • EDITORIAL: The housing hurricane

    EDITORIAL: The housing hurricane

    August 24, 2007

    Two years ago, Hurricane Katrina caused tens of thousands of families to lose their homes. Last year, the home mortgage meltdown that is now sweeping the country took the homes of 800,000 families. This year, the...

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  • Guild fights union-busting by media giant

    Guild fights union-busting by media giant

    August 24, 2007

    OAKLAND, Calif. — The national media chain that now owns nearly all daily newspapers in the San Francisco Bay Area said Aug. 13 it was withdrawing recognition of the union representing newsroom employees. Media advocates see...

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  • As hog boss goes for the kill, workers unite for the fight

    As hog boss goes for the kill, workers unite for the fight

    August 24, 2007

    Smithfield Packing employs 5,500 workers who slaughter and package the meat of 32,000 hogs a day at its sprawling plant in Tar Heel, a tiny town 80 miles south of Raleigh, N.C. The facility has become...

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  • Fury and grief in Utah mining town

    Fury and grief in Utah mining town

    August 24, 2007

    The same day that Jocka Jones laid to rest her brother, who was killed trying to rescue six trapped Utah miners, officials of the Crandall Canyon Mine said it would soon be back in business. Choking...

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