
  • My jefito and me  American Mexicanos

    My jefito and me American Mexicanos

    July 27, 2007

    When my jefito (papa), Angel, was born in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, it was close to one year to the date after Pancho Villa won the battle of Torreon. My jefito had the regular childhood that any...

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  • Color-blindness in the USA

    Color-blindness in the USA

    July 27, 2007

    A 2001 study revealed that despite diversity efforts, the United States was becoming increasingly segregated both in housing and education. The study found that one in three Latino students were attending schools with a minority enrollment...

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  • Thank you, Senator McConnell

    Thank you, Senator McConnell

    July 27, 2007

    During the House and Senate debates on the Employee Free Choice Act, some of my friends got riled up by all the right-wing nuts attacking the EFCA because the Communists support it. I got a lot...

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  • Hot battle: childrens health care vs. Bush

    Hot battle: childrens health care vs. Bush

    July 27, 2007

    The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is under attack by the White House. Created under the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, SCHIP is set to expire Sept. 30. On July 19, the Senate Finance Committee...

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  • Asian American unionists step up fight for equality, 2008 victory

    Asian American unionists step up fight for equality, 2008 victory

    July 27, 2007

    WASHINGTON — The Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, an AFL-CIO affiliate, brought hundreds of trade unionists here July 19-22 to celebrate their struggles and to chart a path for further advances and victory for working families...

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