
  • Unity makes a better country possible

    Unity makes a better country possible

    July 6, 2007

    U.S. Social Forum draws 10,000, links peace, worker rights and Katrina ATLANTA — Ten thousand community and human rights activists, trade unionists and young people converged in this city of epic civil rights struggles June 27-July...

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  • Facade of good intentions

    Facade of good intentions

    June 29, 2007

    A commentary in my local newspaper the other day caught my attention. It concerned a married couple who had chosen some time ago to adopt an autistic child. They knew the child’s biological mother who, for...

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  • What foreign language threat?

    What foreign language threat?

    June 29, 2007

    The town of Carpentersville, Ill., has passed a resolution declaring English to be its “official language.” This happened in the context of a yearlong battle in which a faction of the town’s government has been trying...

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  • Editorial: Watering the Tree of Liberty

    Editorial: Watering the Tree of Liberty

    June 29, 2007

    The signers of the Declaration of Independence must be turning in their graves this July 4th over the shredding of basic democratic rights by corporate right-wing politicians in Washington. The picture is so bad that thousands,...

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  • New Yorks police on rampage, critics charge

    New Yorks police on rampage, critics charge

    June 29, 2007

    BROOKLYN, N.Y. — The New York Police Department is running wild in Black and Latino neighborhoods, using racial profiling as a tool of choice, charges a group of students and residents of Brooklyn’s Bushwick neighborhood. The...

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