
  • Academia opposes Bush

    Academia opposes Bush

    April 11, 2007

    Probably no other administration has been more closely identified with anti-academic positions than that of President George W. Bush. His infamous quote to KYW News Radio in 2003, “I don’t read newspapers,” angered, but did not...

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  • Anti-immigrant law runs aground in courtroom

    Anti-immigrant law runs aground in courtroom

    April 6, 2007

    After a nine-day trial in which civil rights and civil liberties groups challenged a Hazleton, Pa., city ordinance that critics say scapegoats and demonizes immigrants, city officials appeared to fail in their courtroom defense of the...

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  • The debate youre not hearing: immigration and trade

    The debate youre not hearing: immigration and trade

    April 6, 2007

    As immigration again becomes the hottest political topic in America, the debate has again focused on higher fences and driver’s licenses, amnesties and guest worker programs. As always, a central fact has gone largely unstated: Corporate...

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  • The myth of voter fraud

    The myth of voter fraud

    April 6, 2007 By Michael Waldman And Justin Levitt

    As Congress probes the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, attention is centering on who knew what, and when. It’s just as important to focus on “why,” such as the reason given for the firing of at...

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  • Laundry strike: Everybody goes out

    Laundry strike: Everybody goes out

    April 6, 2007 By Nell Geiser And Jenny Carson

    A front-page photograph in the Oct. 26, 1936, edition of the Daily News captured the defiant, young face of Jessie Taft as she stood chained to the balcony of a New York City hotel.

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