
  • Chicago City Council passes Big Box wage law

    Chicago City Council passes Big Box wage law

    July 27, 2006

    CHICAGO — In a 35-14 vote the Chicago City Council passed a wage ordinance, requiring “big box” retailers to pay their workers a living wage. The ordinance will require mega-retailers like Wal-Mart to pay their workers...

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  • Calif. agency probes insecticides

    Calif. agency probes insecticides

    July 21, 2006

    SACRAMENTO (AP) — California’s pesticide agency is conducting a review of popular insecticides because many are ending up in urban streams and killing tiny aquatic creatures. The review could lead to restrictions and even bans on...

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  • NYC renters revolt for home rule

    NYC renters revolt for home rule

    July 21, 2006

    Unique to U.S. cities, New York is a city of renters. Almost two-thirds of us rent the apartments we call home. In New York, being a renter is often lifelong and the only circumstance under which...

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  • EDITORIAL: Hot topics

    EDITORIAL: Hot topics

    July 21, 2006

    A sweltering heat wave blanketed much of the United States this past week, with thermometers soaring well over 100 degrees in some places. The scorching temperatures sent millions of people searching for relief. While nature treats...

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  • Women face radical right in fight for reproductive rights

    Women face radical right in fight for reproductive rights

    July 21, 2006

    As we enter the 21st century, the status of women is unrecognizable, certainly compared to a century ago, but even to what it was 20-30 years ago. Globalization has profoundly affected women. New millions are employed...

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