Defeat Bush movement spurs mass voter sign-up
August 21, 2004Leaders of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance had a busy day planned for Aug. 21.
Read moreSacramentans demand repeal of parade law
August 13, 2004SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Community activists and civil rights attorneys flocked to an Aug. 2 public hearing here to challenge the legitimacy of a year-old city ordinance that places sharp and seemingly arbitrary restrictions on what parade...
Read moreShifting political winds in Illinois a nationwide trend?
August 13, 2004The steady erosion of support for Bush’s ultra-right policies led the Kerry campaign earlier this summer to expand the list of potential “swing states” it believed to be competitive. Now there are indications that some congressional...
Read moreDump Bush movement says we can do it
August 13, 2004BOSTON — John Kerry and John Edwards left the Democratic National Con-vention July 29 to barnstorm across the country, buoyed by ringing calls both inside and outside the convention for George W. Bush’s defeat as a...
Read moreTalbert Trailer workers march for justice
August 13, 2004Rensselaer, Ind. — “Hands off our health care!” and “No justice, no peace,” echoed through the streets here July 31 as hundreds of steelworkers marched to protest the lockout of the Talbert Trailer workers. Talbert workers...
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