National Clips
April 23, 2004PITTSBURGH: Peace, education keys to election With the National Rifle Association (NRA) holding its national convention downtown featuring keynote speaker Vice President Dick Cheney, Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry addressed an estimated 8,000 at the University...
Read morePhiladelphians rally for peace and jobs
April 23, 2004PHILADELPHIA – Over 300 people packed the hospital and health care workers District 1199C union hall here on April 17 to hear public officials, trade unionists, peace activists and others blast the Bush war policies and...
Read moreMessage to Mom: Time to buy a new ironing board
April 23, 2004With great ceremony, my mother threw her iron away one afternoon in June 1972. After 20 years of night classes and four children, she had proudly graduated from college that morning. To be honest, the appliance...
Read moreIts about control
April 23, 2004Con·trol – power or authority to guide or manage. When it comes down to it, so many issues in life orbit around this single word and subsequent questions like – who controls what?
Read moreIs birth control next?
April 23, 2004“The lady came over to the window and said, ‘I’m so sorry I’m not going to be able to fill your prescription.’ I said, ‘Is there something wrong with the prescription?’ And she said, ‘No, I...
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