
  • Ending needless deaths

    Ending needless deaths

    February 13, 2004 By Phil E. Benjamin

    Reversing the 1980s Reagan/Bush (and now the new Bush) ideological drive to make health care a market commodity will require a major political struggle.

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  • Peoples Gas gives Chicagoans cold shoulder

    Peoples Gas gives Chicagoans cold shoulder

    February 13, 2004

    CHICAGO – Miriam Cienfuegos, 26, had her gas turned off illegally Jan. 20. Under Illinois law, no person should be disconnected after Dec. 1. This latest shutoff, in the midst of a record low temperature cold...

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  • Hospital VP tells packed hearing: Stock health comes first

    Hospital VP tells packed hearing: Stock health comes first

    February 13, 2004

    PHILADELPHIA – When Tenet Healthcare System closed the historic Medical College of Pennsylvania Hospital Dec. 18, the for-profit corporation did not ask the city or state for help or inform them of its plans because earlier...

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  • Social Security  doing just fine

    Social Security doing just fine

    February 13, 2004 By Mark Weisbrot

    You may have heard that our Social Security system is headed for trouble when the generation known as the baby boom begins to retire. You heard wrong.

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  • $5.15 an hour doesnt pay the bills

    $5.15 an hour doesnt pay the bills

    February 13, 2004

    NEW YORK – Raising the minimum wage, currently $5.15 an hour, will be the top legislative priority for this state’s Working Families Party, said Dwight Loines, political director of United Auto Workers Region 9A Community Action...

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