Debt-ceiling showdown: a test of sanity
July 7, 2011The so-called "debt ceiling" crisis is upon us and it's becoming a test of sanity how long it will take all reasonable people to conclude that the Republican Party has painted its teeth orange, and jumped...
Read moreLetter to Washington: Don’t cut deficits on backs of poor
June 30, 2011Negotiations on deficit reductions in the past 30 years have been guided by a bipartisan agreement that the spending cuts should not increase poverty.
Read moreReal peace and fake doves
June 24, 2011Public pressure will be essential to bring all the troops home, but another big struggle will be to ensure that the war dollars are used to create jobs and fund human needs.
Read moreBarack Obama and the FBI
June 23, 2011Proposed new FBI rules pose a threat to civil libeties and the democratic movement for change.
Read morePeace leader: Obama pullout speech a beginning to build on
June 23, 2011Judith LeBlanc, field director of Peace Action, said President Obama reflected the views of a majority when he called for "nation-building here at home" in his June 22 speech announcing troop withdrawals from Afghanistan.
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