
  • We need jobs now!

    We need jobs now!

    December 2, 2009 By Dick Meister

    Of all the ideas out there on how to pull us out of the economic mess we're in, none makes more sense than the program laid out by the AFL-CIO.

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  • Banking on consumer debt

    Banking on consumer debt

    November 25, 2009 By Tony Pecinovsky

    As the economic crisis continues to worsen and the official national unemployment rate inches well over 10 percent, more and more Americans are faced with more and more debt.

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  • Debunking GOP lies

    Debunking GOP lies

    October 25, 2009 By Lou Incognito

    The Republican Party claims progressive change on health care and big business is the same as Nazi Germany.  Lou Incognito debunks these lies.

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  • OPINION: NATO is not the answer

    OPINION: NATO is not the answer

    April 7, 2009

    This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO. It is also the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, who is often quoted as having said: “You...

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  • Obama as Savior? He’d better be

    Obama as Savior? He’d better be

    January 31, 2009 By Don Williams

    So he can't walk on water. Nor heal the sick with a touch. His smile won't summon sunrise, nor cause angelic choirs to sing from the skies. Still. Of all the presidential candidates ever to rise...

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