Jerusalem embassy: Hamas declares new intifada; Israeli Communists condemn Trump
December 8, 2017The first death connected to Trump’s decision was reported yesterday after a Palestinian man in Gaza was killed by Israeli fire during a protest.
Read moreWith Jerusalem move, Trump rewards apartheid
December 7, 2017Trump’s decision to proclaim Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital will bring neither peace nor security for Israelis or Palestinians.
Read moreU.S. to quit UNESCO, claiming it is anti-Israel
October 12, 2017UNESCO is an organization that the U.S. helped establish in 1946, after World War II, to widen access to education and ensure the free flow of ideas.
Read moreOklahoma imam says coexistence the only way to peace in Jerusalem
August 8, 2017Voices committed to co-existence like Imam Imad Enchassi are hard to come by, but are needed if conflict around holy places like Al Aqsa are going to be resolved.
Read moreThis week in history: 50 years of occupation in Palestine
June 5, 2017A free Palestine may not be an impossible dream, but it will take an unprecedented force of human nature to bring it about.
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