
  • The war hits home in Baltimore: A concerned citizen speaks out

    The war hits home in Baltimore: A concerned citizen speaks out

    April 6, 2007

    Reba Hawkins, former executive director of the Govanstowne Business Association in Baltimore, is currently a candidate for Baltimore City Council. She delivered this speech at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, March 19, during a speak-out...

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  • Diplomacy works

    Diplomacy works

    April 6, 2007

    Tensions ease with release of British sailors, but U.S. war threats vs. Iran remain While the Bush administration continues to press confrontation with Iran over its nuclear program, war fears eased slightly with the April 4...

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  • Flood Congress with phone calls to end war, groups urge

    Flood Congress with phone calls to end war, groups urge

    April 6, 2007 By Susan Webb

    With antiwar momentum building in and out of Congress, major grassroots efforts kicked off last week to bring U.S. troops home.

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  • Law introduced to Leave my child alone

    Law introduced to Leave my child alone

    March 30, 2007

    Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) introduced legislation March 6 that would amend the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) to direct schools to release student contact information to military recruiters only if a written request is submitted...

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  • Calls for diplomacy as tensions rise on Iran

    Calls for diplomacy as tensions rise on Iran

    March 30, 2007

    UNITED NATIONS — The UN Security Council unanimously added further sanctions on Iran, March 24, for not complying with a February deadline for halting its nuclear activities. But diplomats said sanctions were not the solution and...

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