
  • Declaring peace actions up ante to end war

    Declaring peace actions up ante to end war

    October 13, 2006

    INDIANAPOLIS — As the drive to dump the Bush agenda on Election Day enters its final month, faith-based and other activists across the country have intensified their advocacy of peace and justice, elevating these issues in...

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  • Deadly U.S. costs of the Iraq war

    Deadly U.S. costs of the Iraq war

    October 13, 2006

    As a new study finds that 600,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed since the U.S. invasion (see editorial, page 12), Americans contemplate the bitter costs here at home: • More than 2,700 U.S. soldiers have been...

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  • Hugo Châvez had a lot to say

    Hugo Châvez had a lot to say

    September 29, 2006

    Way too much is being made of Hugo Chávez calling Bush the “devil” in his recent United Nations speech. Unfortunately, it’s being used to divert attention from the very substantive and profoundly courageous things that the...

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  • EDITORIAL: Déj vu all over again

    EDITORIAL: Déj vu all over again

    September 29, 2006

    Claims about a secret nuclear weapons program. A campaign to involve the UN. Rejecting negotiations. Spreading false “information.” Sound like the months before the Iraq war? For Iraq, read Iran. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), one of...

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  • Arms control takes center stage at UN meeting

    Arms control takes center stage at UN meeting

    September 29, 2006

    UNITED NATIONS — Convening under the theme of “Unfinished business: effective partnerships for human security and sustainable development,” the 59th annual UN Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations met here Sept. 6-8. The conference drew representatives from more...

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