
  • More calls for Iraq troop pullout

    More calls for Iraq troop pullout

    August 4, 2006 By Susan Webb

    Key congressional Democratic leaders have called on President Bush to begin pulling U.S. troops out of Iraq by the end of this year.

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  • Despite world outcry, Israel launches ground attack on Lebanon

    Despite world outcry, Israel launches ground attack on Lebanon

    August 4, 2006

    Only days after an Israeli bomb smashed into a residential building in the southern Lebanon village of Qana, killing at least 62 civilians, 35 of them children — and provoking worldwide shock, horror and outrage —...

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  • The Middle East in crisis

    The Middle East in crisis

    July 28, 2006

    As I write, Israeli troops are invading Lebanon on its southern border. No doubt this escalation will heighten the danger of a wider war, one that could involve other state and non-state actors in that region...

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  • Israelis see their own nation as neighborhood bully

    Israelis see their own nation as neighborhood bully

    July 28, 2006

    You can see Lebanon from my sister’s backyard. She and her family and thousands of others in northern Israel live with a constant roar of gunfire — mostly from Israeli cannons aiming to kill Lebanese, occasionally...

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  • U.S. troops in Paraguay attract attention

    U.S. troops in Paraguay attract attention

    July 28, 2006

    While the Mercosur meetings were going on in Argentina, more than 2,000 people from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, representing 40 labor union and human rights groups, attended the Second Social Forum of the Triple Border in...

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