
  • Uncovering the truth: Bush administration cheats wounded soldiers  and veterans

    Uncovering the truth: Bush administration cheats wounded soldiers and veterans

    September 23, 2005

    WASHINGTON — Many soldiers wounded in Iraq suffer injuries so terrible they would have died in past wars. But today they survive thanks to advances in shock trauma medicine. Yet they return home with terrible disabilities...

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  • Philadelphia greets Bring Them Home Now tour

    Philadelphia greets Bring Them Home Now tour

    September 23, 2005

    PHILADELPHIA — On Independence Mall, across the street from the Liberty Bell, over 500 supporters rallied Sept. 16 to welcome Gold Star mother Cindy Sheehan and the “Bring Them Home Now” bus tour. The tour was...

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  • Chicago says Bring the troops home

    Chicago says Bring the troops home

    September 23, 2005

    CHICAGO — “This war has been an immense waste and it burns me to know the losses taking place,” declared South Side Alderman Ed Smith in City Council chambers Sept. 14. “It’s senseless to allow it...

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  • Time for an Iraq exit strategy

    Time for an Iraq exit strategy

    September 23, 2005

    At Capitol Hill hearing, talk is not ‘if’ but ‘how’ WASHINGTON — With thousands of people across the nation protesting the Iraq war, Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.) convened a Capitol Hill hearing Sept. 15 to air...

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  • Over 1,600 vigils oppose Iraq war

    Over 1,600 vigils oppose Iraq war

    August 26, 2005

    PITTSBURGH — Candles flickered against the August sky as thousands gathered in their neighborhoods around this state, Aug. 17, inspired by Gold Star mother Cindy Sheehan. From the city neighborhood of Squirrel Hill, where 981 neighbors...

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