
  • NEW YORK  May Day party for peace

    NEW YORK May Day party for peace

    May 7, 2004

    NEW YORK – After a day of demonstrating in Bryant Park for the abolition of all nuclear weapons, nearly 200 people packed Winston Unity Hall in Manhattan for a dinner and party in celebration of May...

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  • Bush must answer for torture of Iraqis

    Bush must answer for torture of Iraqis

    May 7, 2004

    Editorial Army Major Gen. Antonio Taguba used blunt language: “U.S. Army soldiers have committed egregious acts and grave breaches of international law at Abu Ghraib … sadistic, blatant, and criminal abuses.” These were the conclusions in...

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  • Women’s voices from across the nation: ‘We will not go back’

    Women’s voices from across the nation: ‘We will not go back’

    April 30, 2004 By Please select an author

    WASHINGTON – More than 1 million defenders of women’s reproductive rights marched past the White House Sunday April 25 chanting, “We won’t go back,” and “Hey, Bush, your time is up!” click here for Spanish text

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  • VENEZUELA  Chavez would win recall

    VENEZUELA Chavez would win recall

    April 30, 2004

    CARACAS – Opponents of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez would be unable to recall him if a referendum is convened by the National Electoral Council, a new poll has revealed. The poll, conducted in early April by...

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  • No weapons in space, peace leaders say

    No weapons in space, peace leaders say

    April 30, 2004

    PORTLAND, Maine – The human race and the earth itself remain in “intensive care,” Nobel Prize winner Helen Caldicott told The Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space 12th annual conference here April 23-25....

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