
  • Vietnam today

    Vietnam today

    November 27, 2003

    In October, Chicagoans Beatrice Lumpkin and her husband Frank, the chairman of the Wisconsin Steelworkers Save Our Jobs Committee, traveled to Vietnam for two weeks. Here are some of Beatrice’s travel notes. Hanoi. We learn it...

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  • Syria next in line for U.S. invasion?

    Syria next in line for U.S. invasion?

    November 27, 2003

    News Analysis The recent passage in both houses of Congress of the “Syrian Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act” is but one facet of a relentless buildup of U.S. pressure on Damascus. The Syrian Accountability Act,...

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  • Hearings to begin in Cuba travel cases?

    Hearings to begin in Cuba travel cases?

    November 27, 2003

    MILWAUKEE – A few U.S citizens who have never had any contact or connection with the mining industry have begun to receive unexpected official mail from the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Board. The mail...

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  • AFSCME meet takes on war, organizing, elections

    AFSCME meet takes on war, organizing, elections

    November 22, 2003

    Workers’ Correspondence Delegates to the 13th Biennial Convention of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31 in Illinois called upon members of Congress to refuse to approve the Bush administration’s request for...

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  • Bomb and Iraqify: Bush re-election plan

    Bomb and Iraqify: Bush re-election plan

    November 22, 2003 By Susan Webb

    The U.S. unleashed a massive bombing attack on central Iraq Nov. 18, dropping 2,000- and 1,000-pound bombs around Baghdad, a little over five months after President Bush declared the end of “major combat” May 1.

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