
  • War or health care?

    War or health care?

    February 21, 2003 By David Lawrence

    Last year, President Bush’s chief economic adviser at the time, Lawrence B. Lindsey, estimated that it would cost $100 billion to $200 billion to wage war against Iraq. Lindsey was subsequently sacked by President Bush because...

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  • Americans act for peace

    Americans act for peace

    February 21, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    Despite meager resources and an administration-inspired campaign to challenge their patriotism, despite snow in the east, rain in the south and west and cold that rattled the fillings in one’s teeth, Americans in at least 150...

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  • Millions march against war: At home

    Millions march against war: At home

    February 20, 2003

    NEW YORK – Braving frigid cold, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators rallied near the United Nations, Feb. 15, to protest George W. Bush’s threatened war on Iraq and to support UN efforts to stop the war....

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  • Millions march against war: Around world

    Millions march against war: Around world

    February 20, 2003

    An unprecedented wave of anti war demonstrations swept the globe on Feb. 15, as an estimated 11 million demonstrators poured into the streets, determined to block the Bush administration’s drive to war against Iraq. As in...

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  • 300,000 in San Francisco: Yes to inspections

    300,000 in San Francisco: Yes to inspections

    February 20, 2003

    SAN FRANCISCO – “Give inspections a chance to work” was the refrain heard from speakers and marchers as they poured into Civic Center Plaza here, Feb. 16, in the biggest demonstration in memory – 300,000 strong....

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