
  • The handicap of working for Cuba

    The handicap of working for Cuba

    June 19, 2009

    The Supreme Court’s refusal June 15 to review the case of the Cuban Five, whose original trial began in November 2000, invites comparisons of their sentences with those handed out to others with convictions relating to...

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  • Peace, health care and Cuba

    Peace, health care and Cuba

    June 17, 2009

    Dr. Bernard Lown’s work, both political and medical, has been dedicated to peace. He developed the cardiac defibrillator to restart arrested hearts and invented cardio-version to fix cardiac rhythm disturbances. To help prevent nuclear war ―...

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  • Iraq appeals for help to clear landmines

    Iraq appeals for help to clear landmines

    June 9, 2009

    Editor's note: While not stated in this article, the United States has an obligation to finance and give support to this project. Supplemental monies for Iraq -- and Afghanistan -- should include de-mining projects.BAGHDAD, 8 June...

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  • Afghans need peace, not war

    Afghans need peace, not war

    June 6, 2009

    WASHINGTON – “The people don’t want 30,000 more troops, but instead 30,000 engineers, teachers and scientists,” said Dr. Roshanak Wardak, a member of the parliament in Afghanistan. She made the statement at an “issues briefing” on...

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  • Agent Orange tribunal backs Vietnamese victims

    Agent Orange tribunal backs Vietnamese victims

    May 21, 2009

    The U.S. government is guilty of crimes against humanity for using Agent Orange in Vietnam according to a ruling by the International People’s Tribunal of Conscience announced in Paris on May 18. The verdict, reached after...

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