political economy
Federal Reserve readies war on inflation, guess who’ll pay the price? Workers.
September 20, 2022The war on inflation is about to get ugly.
Read moreUcranianos y rusos muertos significan ganancias para poderosos capitalistas
February 28, 2022Aunque era probable que las compañías de petróleo y gas natural de EE. UU. obtuvieran grandes ganancias de las hostilidades, incluso si Rusia no hubiera invadido Ucrania, el ataque de Putin contra ese país selló el...
Read moreDead Ukrainians and Russians mean profits for powerful capitalists
February 27, 2022The war in Ukraine already has two big winners: The U.S. energy giants who frack the U.S. from coast to coast and the weapons manufacturers.
Read moreCómo los intereses estadounidenses del gas natural están alimentando la crisis de Ucrania
February 16, 2022Los gigantes del gas fracturado serán los ganadores, haya o no una guerra real.
Read morePipeline ploy: How U.S. natural gas interests are fueling the Ukraine crisis
February 15, 2022The fracked gas giants will be the winners, whether or not there is an actual war.
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