Your mailman searches for the ghosts of Tom and Joe
June 14, 2010Today a young couple with two kids told me a sad story: they are giving their house, a house they had built just eight years ago, back to the bank.
Read moreWorld Notes: Palestine, Cuba, Japan, Uganda, Costa Rica
March 30, 2010Palestine: Israel wins "water wars" The Israeli Human rights group B'Tselem took March 26, the UN designated International Water Day, as underscoring Israeli control and use of 80 percent of the water from West Bank rivers...
Read moreHow capitalist health care lets women die
March 30, 2010The United States ranks 41st in maternal mortality. Between 1987 and 2006, the U.S. rate doubled, from 6.6 deaths per 100,000 births to 13.3 deaths.
Read morePoverty throughout Michigan at shocking levels
March 5, 2010Even before the current crisis hit, one in five children in Michigan lived in poverty, and three rural counties had the highest rates.
Read moreLesson of Chile’s earthquake
March 4, 2010Chile's earthquake was 500 times more powerful than the one that struck Haiti, yet the destruction in Chile was far less. What should we conclude from that?
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