Anti-racist solidarity in EURO 2020 should not be controversial
July 12, 2021Asking that politics should stay out of sports is asking the impossible.
Read more‘America on Fire’: A timely look at police violence and Black rebellion
July 8, 2021Violence will not end, the author asserts, until the nation stops expecting police to manage conditions that are beyond their control.
Read moreFears of U.S. intervention in Haiti escalate after dictator’s assassination
July 8, 2021The ongoing disasters in Haiti today are the result of a U.S. and corporate legacy of interference in the internal affairs of that country for over a century.
Read moreSupreme Court guts what’s left of the Voting Rights Act
July 1, 2021In a 6-3 ruling, it upholds two racist Arizona voting laws; activists say they are not giving up the fight.
Read moreWill Biden continue the racist Trump-era ‘China Initiative?’
June 30, 2021Accusations of terrible crimes, like spying or stealing millions of dollars, have been made against scholars. Could it all be an attempt to recruit for U.S. intelligence?
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