El parque de la ciudad de Nashville honrará la historia indígena de Tennessee
December 11, 2024NASHVILLE—El 3 de diciembre, la Junta de Parques Metropolitanos de Nashville aceptó una solicitud de la Coalición de Pueblos Indígenas (IPC, por sus siglas en inglés) para cambiar el nombre de Cumberland Park a Wasioto Park...
Read moreNashville Parks Board renames city park to honor Middle Tennessee’s ancient Indigenous history
December 11, 2024Renaming is the result of a united front community effort.
Read moreHistoric ‘Trail of Tears’ art show held for second year in Tennessee town
September 30, 2024The art show was first held in 2023 and was to commemorate the genocidal Trail of Tears of 1838 trod by Cherokees and Muscogee Creeks.
Read more¡Printing the Revolution! Nashville’s Frist Museum documents rise and impact of Chicano graphics
September 26, 2024Exhibit is on now through Sept. 29.
Read moreOver teacher, parent protests, Tennessee legislature orders guns into schools
May 6, 2024Parents and teachers were ejected from the House visitors’ gallery for exercising free speech rights.
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