Mueller probe now investigating criminal obstruction by Trump himself
June 15, 2017"The American people deserve a full accounting of attempts to meddle in both our democratic processes and the impartial administration of justice."
Read moreTrump offers fool’s gold to fund infrastructure
June 15, 2017Americans should not be charged twice for maintenance of the public good, once through tax breaks to investors and again in outrageous tolls and fees the investors charge.
Read moreTrump turns back on a future with Cuba
June 15, 2017Surely, after more than five decades we have learned that Cubans, proud of their revolution and their independence, will resist economic or military coercion.
Read moreComey, Sessions, and Trump’s Russian swamp monster
June 14, 2017Since Comey’s testimony events continue to develop at a rapid pace.
Read moreTrump calls his own healthcare bill “mean, mean, mean”
June 14, 2017Trump’s remarks were a surprising slap at a Republican-written House measure.
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