Unions speak out on Zimmerman verdict
July 16, 2013Unions are lining up with civil rights groups and community organizations across the country and speaking out on the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the killer of Trayvon Martin, an un-armed teenager.
Read moreSenate rules fight today a big deal for a Battle Creek woman
July 16, 2013Unions have had an ongoing campaign to force the Senate to vote on the NLRB nominees this week. Majority Leader Harry Reid planned to change the filibuster rule to eliminate the Republicans' roadblock.
Read moreCanada’s conservative government presses anti-union bill
July 15, 2013The right-wing Conservative government of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has launched yet another assault on working people in Canada.
Read moreToday in labor history: Black farmer-union leader murdered by sheriff’s posse
July 15, 2013A leader of the Croppers' and Farm Workers Union in Tallapoosa County was brutally murdered July 15, 1931, by a heavily armed white mob.
Read moreNEA votes $3 member fee for school improvement
July 15, 2013Delegates to the union's annual convention, the first week in July in Atlanta, approved the fee at the urging of President Dennis Van Roekel.
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