“Thank God for the union”: Labor leads on community aid
January 14, 2011With the increased attacks on unions from the right wing, it's more important than ever to note just how much organized labor does for the community.
Read moreNLRB gives strong backing to majority sign-up
January 12, 2011By a 2-1 vote, the National Labor Relations Board has given strong written support to the use of "majority sign-up" for union recognition.
Read moreErgonomics not on the list of five new safety rules
January 12, 2011The Occupational Safety and Health Administration will roll out five new rules this year designed to protect workers on the job - but a rule to curb ergonomic injuries will not be one of them.
Read moreWal-Mart job-killing “Trojan horse,” says new report
January 12, 2011Allowing Wal-Mart open a store here would be akin to letting in an economy-killing "Trojan Horse," says this city's Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, and he has a study to prove it.
Read moreBig business drives Illinois anti-teacher bill
January 6, 2011CHICAGO - Under the guise of "school reform," big corporate foundations, banking and speculative hedge fund investors are pulling out all stops to ram an anti-teacher measure through the Illinois state legislature.
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