Pratt & Whitney workers make gains despite plant closing
December 14, 2010Machinists at Pratt & Whitney ratified a new contract after a valiant fight on the shop floor, in the street and at the bargaining table to stop plant closings and save job security language in Connecticut.
Read more25,000 Ohioans sign to “protect, preserve” Social Security
December 7, 2010Dozens of senior activists rallied at the Cleveland AFL-CIO headquarters Monday to "Protect, Preserve and Pass Along Social Security and Medicare" and to "protest the continuing assault on retirees."
Read moreDallas stands for jobs and retirement benefits
December 6, 2010Fifty North Texans, primarily retirees, added their voices to the general outcry against plans to cut retiree benefits at a meeting in the Communications Workers of America Local 6215 Hall December 2 in Dallas.
Read moreWorkers bracing for “right-to-work” assault
December 6, 2010The right-wing Republican agenda is becoming more apparent as we inch closer and closer to January 2011 and the start of the new legislative session.
Read moreShop Talk: Faith groups join jobs campaign
December 6, 2010In tough times many turn to their religious faith for hope. During this jobs crisis much of the nation's faith community, which includes many union members, is moving to provide hands-on aid to families, in addition...
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