voting rights
Los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes lanzan un ataque contra las leyes de derecho al voto de D.C.
May 23, 2024WASHINGTON—Apenas dos semanas después de que los republicanos del MAGA en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos instaran a la alcaldesa Muriel Bowser y a la policía del Distrito de Columbia a realizar una redada en...
Read moreHouse Republicans launch attack on D.C. voting rights laws
May 22, 2024The attack on voting rights follows their attack on the right to demonstrate against the war on Gaza.
Read moreSanta Ana residents organize to extend local voting rights to noncitizens
May 3, 2024Residents demand voting rights for everyone in town.
Read more‘Backward’ billionaire initiatives foul Washington State’s November ballot
February 21, 2024Right wing extremist initiative endanger the people of Washington state.
Read moreAppellate Court kills key remaining part of Voting Rights Act
November 21, 2023The ruling forbids both citizens and private groups from suing to enforce the right to vote.
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