
  • The gender card

    The gender card

    February 28, 2009 By Lauren Stiller Rikleen

    Once again, we see that there are no boundaries when it comes to making outrageously sexist remarks with impunity. The latest example can be found in a nationally televised interview involving former Republican Congressman Dick Armey.

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  • Women at the helm, literally

    Women at the helm, literally

    February 16, 2009 By Miren Gutierrez

    ROME, Feb 13 (IPS) - Shipping used to be for men. Now women are starting to be seen commanding merchant vessels, oil tankers and cruisers, 'manning' ships and operating liner engines.

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  • With Gladys, We’ll win a thousand times

    With Gladys, We’ll win a thousand times

    April 22, 2005 By Juan Lopez

    It was with a heavy heart that I arrived in Chile. CompaƱera Gladys Marin, president of the Communist Party of Chile (CPC), had died March 6 of a brain tumor. She was 63. Communist and workers...

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