Amiad Horowitz
Republican Congressman Anthony Sabatini calls for execution of Cuban leaders
July 12, 2021Amid minor anti-government protests in Cuba, the Florida is calling for the killing of Cuban officials.
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Loyalty oaths for teachers in Florida’s new Red Scare
June 28, 2021Gov. Ron DeSantis says Florida schools have become “socialism factories,” and a new law he signed will require state schools to survey the political affiliations of all their teaching staff.
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Toxic legacy, part 2: Fighting for justice after chemical warfare in Vietnam
June 3, 2021Despite repeated promises to do more for the victims of Agent Orange, to this day not a single Vietnamese victim has seen a dollar of compensation from the U.S. government.
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Toxic legacy: How the U.S. military’s use of Agent Orange poisoned Vietnam
June 2, 2021From 1961 to 1973, the U.S. military dropped an estimated 81,000,000 liters of various chemicals on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
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Lessons from Vietnam: Elections that can’t be bought
May 25, 2021In Vietnam, money is removed from the system. There are no super-PACs, no big donors, and no flashy ad campaigns.
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No surprise Florida Republicans pair voting restrictions with anti-communist indoctrination
May 6, 2021History shows that being anti-communist puts you in the camp of fascists and white supremacists.
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Red Scare foreign policy is back, 46 years after end of Vietnam War
April 30, 2021Some forces are trying to push a new Cold War, this time against China.
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Vietnam elects new leaders skilled in pandemic containment and economic management
April 13, 2021The country’s internationally recognized success in containing the COVID-19 pandemic offers many lessons on what a socialist-oriented economy can achieve when people are prioritized over capital.
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