Associated Press
El sur de México trata de recuperarse tras sismo
September 11, 2017La vida ha cambiado para algunos habitantes de Juchitán, en el estado de Oaxaca: luego de que las autoridades reportaran que un tercio de las casas eran inhabitables y del temor generado por las réplicas del...
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Fire or volcano? Ash from Oregon blaze compared to eruption
September 6, 2017People in Oregon covered their faces with scarves to keep wildfire ash from filling their lungs.
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El Caribe se prepara ante el inminente paso del huracán Irma
September 5, 2017Brigadas de trabajadores gubernamentales en las islas del noreste del Caribe limpiaban drenajes y podaban árboles mientras las autoridades instaban a los residentes a prepararse para el paso inminente del huracán Irma
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On A-bomb anniversary, Nagasaki mayor says fear of nuclear war is growing
August 9, 2017Nagasaki Mayor Tomihisa Taue urged nuclear states to abandon such weapons and criticized Japan's government for not taking part in the global effort toward a nuclear ban. The bombing anniversary comes just as Pyongyang and Washington...
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Betty Dukes, 67: Led gender bias class action suit against Walmart
July 21, 2017“She was a very tough lady, very driven and passionate about what she believed in."
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Imam kept Islamophobic attacker safe after he tried to kill Muslims
June 19, 2017Mahmoud says "By God's grace, we were able to protect him from harm."
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Mueller probe now investigating criminal obstruction by Trump himself
June 15, 2017"The American people deserve a full accounting of attempts to meddle in both our democratic processes and the impartial administration of justice."
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Trump calls his own healthcare bill “mean, mean, mean”
June 14, 2017Trump’s remarks were a surprising slap at a Republican-written House measure.
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