Bruce Bostick

Bruce Bostick is a retired steelworker and leader in Ohio Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees.


  • PrintEditions
    Latinos and the recession

    Latinos and the recession

    October 3, 2002 By Bruce Bostick

    George Bush is trying to attract Hispanic voters by speaking Spanish and nominating a reactionary Latino lawyer as a federal judge. But the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda has examined congressional voting records. They have found that...

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  • PrintEditions
    Its hurricane season for workers

    Its hurricane season for workers

    September 27, 2002 By Bruce Bostick

    In our states and cities, we are caught between a drenching rain and a freezing wind. We are getting soaked by the layoffs, lower wages and vanished pensions brought on by the recession and the burst...

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  • PrintEditions
    The disappearing jobs of summer

    The disappearing jobs of summer

    September 13, 2002 By Bruce Bostick

    This summer in New Haven, Conn., my neighborhood block watch held a meeting in response to a series of car break-ins. The police lieutenant told us he talked with 16 kids who were likely to cause...

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  • PrintEditions
    Yale workers battle Ivy league economics

    Yale workers battle Ivy league economics

    August 30, 2002 By Bruce Bostick

    Job security, classifications, promotions and pensions are at stake when 4,000 Yale workers take a strike authorization vote on Sept. 4, as well as the right of graduate teachers and hospital workers to organize. But for...

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  • PrintEditions
    Economic recovery? Not for African Americans

    Economic recovery? Not for African Americans

    August 8, 2002 By Bruce Bostick

    Although the official unemployment rate for July stood at 5.9 percent, it was 9.9 percent if “hidden” unemployment – those who would work if they could find jobs – were taken into account, and that’s bad.

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  • PrintEditions
    The ILWU longshore contract by the numbers

    The ILWU longshore contract by the numbers

    July 19, 2002 By Bruce Bostick

    The longshore workers who load and unload the cargo ships on the West Coast are locked in a struggle for a new contract. Their union, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), is under attack by...

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  • PrintEditions
    The ILWU longshore contract by the numbers

    The ILWU longshore contract by the numbers

    July 19, 2002 By Bruce Bostick

    The longshore workers who load and unload the cargo ships on the West Coast are locked in a struggle for a new contract. Their union, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), is under attack by...

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