Joel Wendland-Liu
Trump’s anti-Chinese racist campaign strategy mobilizes right-wing extremists
April 20, 2020Because capitalism cannot operate without the labor-power of workers, the profits of the capitalist class are in danger. Therefore, the message is: Back to work.
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W.E.B. Du Bois exposed capitalist and colonialist roots of white supremacy
February 21, 2020He offered a narrative of humanity that rejects Eurocentric notions of narrow universalism and inevitability that justified the status quo.
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Trump sinks to racist panic as China mobilizes against disease
February 7, 2020If we sink to racist xenophobia in the face of winnable battles against disease, we do not deserve to call ourselves the working class.
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U.S. opioid crisis response reveals Trump racism
February 4, 2020A GOP-mandated emphasis on pain management opened the door to over-prescription of highly potent and addictive opioids.
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Predictive analytics: How capitalism’s “knowledge economy” profiles us all
January 29, 2020Into the fiscal crisis step for-profit education companies offering a mixture of devious dispossession, futuristic technology, and high-pressure sales pitches.
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Capitalism needs racism: A response to the NYT 1619 Project
January 9, 2020Without linking capitalist development to the material force of white supremacy and imperialism, much of the historical development and contemporary process slips into an ideological and nationalist discourse.
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Bernie Sanders is right, billionaires shouldn’t exist
December 18, 2019Since its founding, most U.S. ruling class elites have despised democracy. That's still the case today.
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Keep me in your heart: Race and class politics in the Trump era
October 15, 2019Many white people have constructed a working-class identity resting primarily on their whiteness. Instead of a democratic alliance of all people in the face of corporate dominance, many seem to want control over the advantages of...
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