Juan Lopez
California protesters say: Tax millionaires to fund higher education
March 8, 2012Their number one demand is to pass the millionaires' tax now.
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Calif. students rally to save higher education
March 5, 2012Signs proclaimed, "Save our university!" "Cut fees now, save public education!" and "Millionaires tax of 2012,"
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AFL-CIO leader champions day laborers’ quest for humane immigration reform
February 24, 2012Many, undocumented, risked arrest and possible deportation. But they would not be deterred in their quest.
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Oakland’s struggle to reclaim Occupy Wall Street
February 10, 2012Occupy Oakland's National Day of Action, Nov. 2, 2011, is a day to be remembered for the lessons it offers us.
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Corporations pay zero state taxes
December 20, 2011While state budgets, jobs and social programs are taking the worst hits since the Great Depression, the nation's largest corporations are paying little or no state taxes.
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States move on banks over foreclosure epidemic
December 9, 2011As street heat and public opinion escalates to "make the banks pay," a number of states are moving aggressively to bring relief to homeowners facing foreclosure.
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Occupy movement can win with nonviolence
October 31, 2011In the wake of the police violence against Occupy Oakland, it's even more important for the 99% movement to employ non-violent tactics that will galvanize broad unity with the people of Oakland and nation.
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Occupy Oakland at the crossroads
October 26, 2011Getting lost is the goal of the burgeoning Occupy Wall Street movement, which is to make the banks accountable to the people and pay for the mess they created.
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