Mark Gruenberg
Social Security supporters form human chains in 45 cities
July 3, 2013Social Security advocates formed human chains in at least 45 cities from coast to coast yesterday to protest the "chained CPI."
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Unions call for National Infrastructure Bank
July 1, 2013Rebuilding the U.S.' decaying infrastructure to also counteract climate change will produce good middle class jobs and grow the economy.
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Union leaders slam Supreme Court’s voting rights ruling
June 28, 2013WASHINGTON - Union leaders panned the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on the Voting Rights Act, saying the justices gutted its key section and stripped protections from voters.
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Obama’s acting labor secretary calls for minimum wage hike
June 27, 2013Saying that it would help lift up workers and families, Acting Labor Secretary Seth Harris reiterated the Obama administration's support for raising the minimum wage.
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Supreme Court to rule on legality of NLRB
June 27, 2013The Supreme Court will try to sort out the political war over the legality of "recess appointments" to the National Labor Relations Board.
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Supreme Court limits sexual harassment lawsuits
June 24, 2013The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that only supervisors with direct power over a worker's future can be sued for racial or sexual harassment on the job.
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Nurses march across Golden Gate Bridge to protest Keystone
June 21, 2013SAN FRANCISCO - Members of the National Nurses United union and environmentalist allies marched on June 20 across San Francisco's famed Golden Gate Bridge in the latest show of opposition to the proposed and controversial Keystone...
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Boehner says he’ll block whatever Senate GOP can’t kill
June 20, 2013Boehner's statement is important because it gives his 234-member caucus a virtual veto over what Congress does, regardless of the Senate.
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