Susan Webb

Susan Webb is a retired co-editor of People's World. She has written on a range of topics both international - the Iraq war, World Social Forums in Brazil and India, the Israel-Palestinian conflict and controversy over the U.S. role in Okinawa - and domestic - including the meaning of socialism for Americans, attacks on Planned Parenthood, the U.S. as top weapons merchant, and more.


  • PrintEditions
    Full court press urged to block Alito

    Full court press urged to block Alito

    January 20, 2006 By Susan Webb

    A week’s delay in voting on the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court gives vital days for an all-out push to block Alito, progressive groups say.

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  • PrintEditions
    Israel, Palestine today: Insights from the regions communists

    Israel, Palestine today: Insights from the regions communists

    January 13, 2006 By Susan Webb

    In November, representatives of over 50 communist and left parties met in Nicosia, Cyprus, to discuss “The New World Order and Its Consequences in the Greater Middle East.” The meeting was hosted by AKEL, the Communist...

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  • PrintEditions
    Power struggle continues in Iraq

    Power struggle continues in Iraq

    January 6, 2006 By Susan Webb

    Final results of Iraq’s Dec. 15 elections are not expected for at least two weeks, as investigations of vote fraud allegations continue. Meanwhile political deal-making is under way. Controversial preliminary results gave the Shiite Islamic coalition,...

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  • Other
    Communists confront global capitalism

    Communists confront global capitalism

    December 16, 2005 By Susan Webb

    ATHENS, Greece — Representatives of 73 communist and workers’ parties from 61 countries met here last month to review the current status of global capitalism and the role of communist parties.

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  • PrintEditions
    Bush victory ploy flops

    Bush victory ploy flops

    December 9, 2005 By Susan Webb

    The aggressive White House campaign to re-sell the Iraq war to the American public appears to be dead on arrival. As President Bush delivered his Nov. 30 “strategy for victory in Iraq” speech, a Time poll...

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  • PrintEditions
    Alito seen as extremist threat to mainstream rights

    Alito seen as extremist threat to mainstream rights

    November 4, 2005 By Susan Webb

    President Bush’s Halloween nomination of Samuel Alito to replace Sandra Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court is seen by both right and left as a confrontational “bring ’em on” offensive against mainstream democratic and progressive America.

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  • PrintEditions
    Iraq referendum shows shifting politics

    Iraq referendum shows shifting politics

    October 21, 2005 By Susan Webb

    Final results of Iraq’s Oct. 15 constitutional referendum were delayed as an election commission re-examined very high yes or no votes in several areas.

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  • PrintEditions
    Breaking the grip of Big Oil

    Breaking the grip of Big Oil

    October 14, 2005 By Susan Webb

    The day after President Bush advised Americans to deal with skyrocketing gas prices by avoiding unnecessary driving, he flew to New Orleans for a photo-op, burning up about 11,437 gallons of jet fuel, worth over $24,000....

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