Susan Webb

Susan Webb is a retired co-editor of People's World. She has written on a range of topics both international - the Iraq war, World Social Forums in Brazil and India, the Israel-Palestinian conflict and controversy over the U.S. role in Okinawa - and domestic - including the meaning of socialism for Americans, attacks on Planned Parenthood, the U.S. as top weapons merchant, and more.


  • Peace
    Torture was routine, soldiers, Iraqis charge

    Torture was routine, soldiers, Iraqis charge

    May 14, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia charged nearly two months ago that U.S. intelligence operatives directed torture of Iraqi prisoners.

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  • Peace
    Message from an Iraqi mother

    Message from an Iraqi mother

    April 30, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Last week, a bomb fell 12 feet from Huda Al-Jazairy’s house in Baghdad. Fortunately, she said, it fell on open ground and no one was hurt. The blast broke windows in surrounding houses. Al-Jazairy was out...

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  • Peace
    Soldiers mom reveals Iraq nightmare

    Soldiers mom reveals Iraq nightmare

    April 23, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Mother’s Day has a bitter twist for Pat Gunn. Her son, Army Specialist Jason Gunn, was sent to Iraq on Mother’s Day 2003. He sustained horrifying injuries in an explosion there last November, and a military...

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  • Peace
    Death toll mounts in Iraq quagmire

    Death toll mounts in Iraq quagmire

    April 9, 2004 By Susan Webb

    A series of confrontational actions by the U.S. occupation triggered armed uprisings throughout Iraq in the last week, costing the lives of dozens of Americans and well over 100 Iraqis. click here for Spanish text

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  • Peace
    Bushs 9/11, Iraq actions: Bogus and misleading

    Bushs 9/11, Iraq actions: Bogus and misleading

    April 2, 2004 By Susan Webb

    On the one-year anniversary of her husband’s death in Iraq, the widow of Army Specialist James Kiehl, 22, who was killed in the attack in which Pvt. Jessica Lynch was captured, accused President Bush of “lying...

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  • Peace
    White House insider says Bush lied

    White House insider says Bush lied

    March 26, 2004 By Susan Webb

    In explosive revelations this week, former White House counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke charged that the Bush administration had little interest in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks except for how they could be used to promote war...

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  • Peace
    One year after U.S. attack on Iraq: March 20 peace actions set

    One year after U.S. attack on Iraq: March 20 peace actions set

    March 12, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Beginning March 19 with nationwide lobbying of members of Congress, moving to vigils, marches and demonstrations on March 20, and culminating in a national call-in to Congress on March 24, Americans across the nation are mobilizing...

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  • Peace
    Iraqi women, workers say: U.S. out!

    Iraqi women, workers say: U.S. out!

    March 5, 2004 By Susan Webb

    As Iraq moved to take back political sovereignty, Iraqi trade unionists and women’s organizations condemned bloody terrorist attacks that killed some 300 people and wounded many others at religious observances in Baghdad and Karbala this week.

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