Did you catch the People’s World-sponsored Google+ Hangout on the Keystone XL pipeline? Stefanie Spear, CEO of EcoWatch, and Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen Climate and Energy were featured participants. Spear has been publishing environmental news for over two decades, and works to unite and mobilize people to engage in activism to protect the environment. Slocum is an advocate of affordable renewable energy for working families, seeking to move people away from the nuclear, coal, and oil industries.
This month’s topic was on the Keystone XL pipeline and its impact on the environment and public health. The Hangout is part of the buildup to big national demonstrations in Washington, D.C. on April 22-27. Check out the official event page, where the Hangout was be broadcast, by clicking here to view comments and watch the entire event, or simply watch the YouTube video below!
Photo: AP