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    11-20 OF 157 RESULTS FOR "Abu Ghraib"

  • Bush must answer for torture of Iraqis

    May 07, 2004

    Editorial Army Major Gen. Antonio Taguba used blunt language: “U.S. Army soldiers have committed egregious acts and grave breaches of international law at Abu Ghraib … sadistic, blatant, and criminal abuses.” These were the conclusions in a 53-page report on the abuse of detainees at the Abu Ghraib and Bucca prisons in Iraq which he delivered to the Pentagon in February. The administration covered up the explosive report for more...

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  • Editorials

    May 14, 2004

    Gruesome days The gruesome video of the beheading of Nick Berg by alleged Islamic terrorists proves that the antiwar movement was accurate in warning that George W. Bush’s war on Iraq would breed more violence, hatred, and revenge. According to his family, Berg had been arrested and held incommunicado for two weeks by Iraqi police and then detained by the U.S. military until his parents filed a lawsuit against Defense...

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  • Hundreds of thousands demand: Rumsfeld must go!

    May 21, 2004

    WASHINGTON – The Rev. Graylan Hagler, pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church here and a leader of United for Peace and Justice, says it is time for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to go. He is one voice in a growing chorus so outraged by the Abu Ghraib atrocities that they are demanding Rumsfeld’s ouster. Hagler told the World he was horrified when he first saw the photos of grinning U.S. military...

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  • Texans speak out against torture

    July 02, 2004

    DALLAS – The Dallas Peace Center and the Center for Survivors of Torture held an interfaith service June 25 in keeping with the United Nations Day Against Torture. Thirty-five people attended the service at the little chapel at Thanksgiving Square downtown. Rick Halperin of Amnesty International opened the meeting. He said, “Torture must be brought out of the closet and exposed for the disease it is.” Leaders of each of...

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  • Editorials

    December 10, 2004

    Soldiers raise their voices Soldiers on their way to Iraq interrupted Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s pep talk Dec. 7. “Why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal” to add their own protective armor to their vehicles, demanded Army Specialist Thomas Wilson. A cheer erupted from the 2,300 National Guard soldiers at the base in Kuwait. Rumsfeld blandly replied, “You can have all the...

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  • Bush Iraq speech defends the indefensible

    May 28, 2004By Susan Webb

    Longtime Philadelphia labor activist Jim Moran had little use for George W. Bush’s May 24 Iraq policy speech. “It didn’t score any points with me,” Moran said.

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  • Growing movement assails Bush torture policy

    May 19, 2006

    WASHINGTON — Two years after photographs exposed U.S. military personnel engaged in torture at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, demands are rising that President Bush be held accountable for criminal abuses at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and secret CIA or Pentagon prisons around the world. The Rev. Dr. Bob Edgar, general secretary of the National Council of Churches, announced May 12 that 38 Christian, Jewish and...

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  • Court voids presidents power grab

    July 02, 2004

    Defenders of the Bill of Rights greeted two decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court June 28 sharply rebuffing George W. Bush’s claim of sweeping powers to detain U.S. citizens and foreigners indefinitely, without criminal charges, in his so-called “war on terror.” “A state of war is not a blank check for the president when it comes to the rights of the nation’s citizens,” said Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. She was...

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  • Editorials

    July 16, 2004

    The ultimate dirty trick The effort by the tottering Bush administration to find ways to postpone the Nov. 2 national elections is its latest and most serious dirty trick to keep control of the government. According to a blockbuster story by Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff, American counter-terrorism officials are reviewing a proposal that could allow for the postponement of the November presidential election in the event of a terrorist attack. The...

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  • Journalism and the truth in Iraq, U.S.-style

    April 13, 2007By Curly Cohen And Molly Rose

    In Petra Epperlein and Michael Tucker’s movie “The Prisoner or: How I Planned to Kill Tony Blair,” the camera spends a great deal of time focused on the face of Yunis Abbas.

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