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    21-30 OF 157 RESULTS FOR "Abu Ghraib"

  • Outrage over Bushs bid to OK torture

    September 22, 2006

    WASHINGTON — President George W. Bush is meeting stiff resistance both inside and outside Congress as he attempts to ram through legislation to permit use of coerced testimony and secret evidence in kangaroo-style military tribunals at the Pentagon’s detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Bush’s legislation would authorize continued use of many of the extreme methods of interrogation outlawed in the 2005 McCain anti-torture amendment and in the Supreme Court’s...

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  • World protests illegal U.S. prison at Guantnamo

    January 19, 2008

    By Jim Lane DALLAS, Texas—Handcuffed and black-hooded 'prisoners' in orange jumpsuits stood quietly amid angry protesters who demanded, 'Shut Down Guantanamo!' outside the federal courthouse here on Jan. 11. Hadi Jawad of the Dallas Peace Center and Chip Pitts of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee of Greater Dallas explained to reporters that similar groups were gathering all over the world in concerted action 'from Australia and Amsterdam, to Amherst...

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  • EDITORIAL: Honoring all the war dead

    June 02, 2006

    Two grim reminders of war’s toll on innocent civilians marked Memorial Day weekend this year. In Iraq, details continued to emerge about the November 2005 tragedy at Haditha, where after a Marine was killed by a roadside bomb, U.S. Marines reportedly slaughtered as many as two dozen unarmed civilians including women and children, and then tried to cover up what had happened. In Afghanistan, demonstrators launched violent protests in Kabul...

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  • U.S. drops bid to serve on UN human rights body

    April 14, 2006

    UNITED NATIONS — The United States refused to run for a seat on the newly created UN Human Rights Council, the first session of which will take place in Geneva June 19. While U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said this was in part because the U.S. is unhappy with the HRC, several commentators said the Bush administration feared it might not have enough votes in the General Assembly to be elected....

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  • Gallery owner attacked for antiwar art

    June 11, 2004

    SAN FRANCISCO – Lori Haigh, owner of Capobianco Gallery in North Beach here, was spat on and knocked unconscious last week for exhibiting an artwork highlighting the torture of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison. The assault came after two weeks of escalating threats. Now that painting may end up displayed at San Francisco City Hall. San Francisco Supervisor Aaron Peskin June 8 introduced a resolution to hang the painting,...

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  • Palestinians protest Israeli jail conditions

    April 22, 2005

    April 17 was widely observed across the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as “Prisoners’ Day,” a day of solidarity with Palestinian prisoners who are languishing in Israeli jails. Thousands of people took to the streets to protest what the Palestinian Prisoner Club called “intolerable living conditions” inside Israeli prisons. The PPC led a two-day hunger strike involving thousands of prisoners to call for an improvement in their conditions and...

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  • Editorial: Worlds worst rights abuser

    December 09, 2005

    We observe United Nations Human Rights Day, Dec. 10, with a sobering realization: In the opinion of hundreds of millions of people around the world, the Bush administration has become the worst human rights abuser of any regime in the world. Consider the following: • George W. Bush proclaims the right to unleash pre-emptive war, the greatest of all destroyers of human rights, against nations like Iraq that have not...

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  • "The Unknown Known" grills Donald Rumsfeld on Iraq war snow job

    April 01, 2014By Ed Rampell

    The film focuses on Rumsfeld's return to that post of defense secretary during George W. Bush's disastrous presidency at the behest of his longtime crony, Dick Cheney.

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  • Torture was routine, soldiers, Iraqis charge

    May 14, 2004By Susan Webb

    Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia charged nearly two months ago that U.S. intelligence operatives directed torture of Iraqi prisoners.

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  • Stop the torture! Fire Rumsfeld! Dump Bush!

    May 28, 2004

    The National Board of the Communist Party USA released the following statement on May 23. The torture by U.S. military intelligence of Iraqi detainees at the infamous Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq has ignited outrage at home and abroad.

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