Article Listing

  • Bay Area actions to highlight immigrant rights

    Bay Area actions to highlight immigrant rights

    March 18, 2006

    In a dramatic call for legalization, workers’ rights and civil liberties, immigrants and their allies will launch a week of action March 21 with a hunger strike at San Francisco’s Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Ave....

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  • Winchester workers rally to save jobs

    Winchester workers rally to save jobs

    March 18, 2006

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Despite very low temperatures and snowy sidewalks, union members, workers and politicians gathered in high spirits at the Winchester plant gate March 15 chanting “Save the Jobs!” Craig Gauthier, chair of the...

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  • Patriot Act renewed, repression continues

    Patriot Act renewed, repression continues

    March 18, 2006

    By a vote of 280-138, the House of Representatives has agreed to renew the USA Patriot Act with only minor new safeguards for civil liberties and several troubling new items. As the Senate had already voted...

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  • Cheers, whistles greet Latino march for peace

    Cheers, whistles greet Latino march for peace

    March 18, 2006

    TIJUANA, Mexico — The “Peregrinacion por la Paz” (March for Peace) began March 12 at Centro Cultural de Tijuana, just south of the California border. From here, this long trek will go all the way to...

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  • Bay Area residents: We shall not be moved!

    Bay Area residents: We shall not be moved!

    March 18, 2006

    SAN FRANCISCO — When residents of one of the city’s last largely African American neighborhoods think about the future being planned for Bayview Hunters Point, they are haunted by echoes of an earlier “redevelopment” that devastated...

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