Article Listing

  • My foremothers paved the way

    My foremothers paved the way

    March 17, 2006

    I recently lost my mother to cancer. My experience of caring for her was something that I would not have believed. From the moment we were informed of her terminal illness, she was so accepting of...

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  • Shine a spotlight on Iraq war profiteers

    Shine a spotlight on Iraq war profiteers

    March 17, 2006

    War profiteering has always ranked as the most obscene form of capitalist appropriation, soaked in the gore of the dead and wounded. Financier J.P. Morgan purchased defective rifles from a U.S. arsenal for $3.50 apiece and...

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  • EDITORIAL: No war on Iran!

    EDITORIAL: No war on Iran!

    March 17, 2006

    As marchers call this weekend for an end to the Iraq war, signs are growing that the U.S. will attack Iran. Some of the Bush administration’s charges sound eerily familiar: a covert nuclear weapons program, support...

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  • EDITORIAL: Congressional elections matter

    EDITORIAL: Congressional elections matter

    March 17, 2006

    Peace-loving, working-class, progressive and left-minded people are commemorating the third anniversary of an illegal, immoral war this weekend. While mourning the thousands of dead and war-wounded Americans and Iraqis and worrying about attacks on democratic rights,...

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  • Equality, or not: Threat of two-tier workforce is fault line of U.S. immigration policies

    Equality, or not: Threat of two-tier workforce is fault line of U.S. immigration policies

    March 17, 2006

    Equality has become an unmentionable word in Congress. It doesn’t come even once in the 300-page omnibus immigration bill introduced last week by Senator Arlen Specter, nor in any of the others Congress is considering. They...

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