Article Listing

  • London unites against terror and war

    London unites against terror and war

    July 15, 2005

    As the death toll from the July 7 terrorist bombings in London climbed to 52, labor and antiwar groups voiced anger and revulsion against both terrorism and the Iraq war. London Mayor Ken Livingstone, the British...

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  • Folks back home defend Social Security from Republicans

    Folks back home defend Social Security from Republicans

    July 15, 2005

    PITTSBURGH — “Dear congressperson: What part of ‘no privatization, no private accounts to replace Social Security’ don’t you understand?” From Louisiana to Illinois, that message rang out in the voices of “the folks back home” in...

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  • Pressure mounts: Fire Karl Rove!

    Pressure mounts: Fire Karl Rove!

    July 15, 2005

    WASHINGTON — A grim silence fell on the White House this week as reporters pummeled administration spokesmen with questions about Karl Rove’s role in blowing the cover of Valerie Plame, a CIA covert agent, two years...

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  • NAACPs Bond hammers Bushites as true deceivers

    NAACPs Bond hammers Bushites as true deceivers

    July 15, 2005

    Delegates agree, ‘You’ve got that right!’ and vow fight for fair Supreme Court MILWAUKEE — In a keynote speech repeatedly interrupted by applause, cheers and cries of “You’ve got that right!” from over 3,000 delegates and...

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  • Canadas Parliament gives thumbs up to same-sex marriages

    Canadas Parliament gives thumbs up to same-sex marriages

    July 14, 2005

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia — After a two-year-long heated debate, Canadian Parliamentarians approved Bill C-38 on June 28 allowing same-sex couples to marry. The legislation is now before the Senate, where it is in the final stages...

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