Article Listing

  • Hand of solidarity

    Hand of solidarity

    July 13, 2005

    The following is an e-mail letter received by People’s Weekly World editor Terrie Albano from London-based Morning Star editor John Haylett. The Morning Star is the only English-language socialist daily newspaper published in the world. For...

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  • Letter from Peace Action: No more Hiroshimas  abolish nuclear weapons

    Letter from Peace Action: No more Hiroshimas abolish nuclear weapons

    July 10, 2005

    August 6 and 9, 2005 mark the 60th anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States. We're asking people to join at four central US nuclear weapons sites in major actions...

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  • Moral pharmacists

    Moral pharmacists

    July 10, 2005

    In the year 2005, it’s outrageous to see women’s reproductive freedom would be in such grave danger. With a Supreme Court resignation and Republicans threatening to use the “nuclear option” to railroad extremist judicial nominees through...

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  • The soul of the anti-abortion stance

    The soul of the anti-abortion stance

    July 10, 2005

    The retirement of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has electrified the religiously based anti-abortion movement, which hopes to get President Bush to name a replacement who shares its views. In the coming debate, you will hear the...

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  • Live 8 concerts demand Change, not charity

    Live 8 concerts demand Change, not charity

    July 8, 2005

    More than 1 million fans jammed into 10 venues across four continents for the Live 8, 24-hour concert extravaganza July 2 weekend. Two billion television viewers were estimated to have tuned in worldwide. The music marathon...

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