Article Listing

  • Marxism without meat?

    Marxism without meat?

    June 3, 2005

    When at long last war and capitalism, terrorism and religious fanaticism have had their final day, when a communist society breaks out like the glorious sun after the most savage storms, what will our new world...

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  • Planetary war? Its not just a movie

    Planetary war? Its not just a movie

    June 3, 2005

    On May 23-24 I attended an event organized by Dr. Helen Caldicott called Full Spectrum Dominance. The conference gathered key media representatives to hear briefings on the latest developments in military space issues. The event began...

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  • Deceptions hammer

    Deceptions hammer

    June 3, 2005

    “The first casualty when it comes to war is truth.” — Sen. Hiram Johnson (R-Calif.), 1917 When I was a kid my dad once said: “Deception’s hammer knocks information out of the body politic. Without good...

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  • In the war on Cuba, truth dies first

    In the war on Cuba, truth dies first

    June 3, 2005

    Cuba’s growing biotechnology industry is a leader in research and technology. Among its accomplishments are the development of meningitis-B and hepatitis-B vaccines, AIDS anti-retroviral drugs, and a therapeutic lung cancer vaccine. In 2002, John Bolton, then...

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  • Letters


    June 3, 2005

    Educators refuse Wal-Mart Thought your readers might be interested in this note from “the far Northwest” about the campaign against Wal-Mart’s exploitive policies, which include thrusting onto taxpayers the burden of paying for healthcare for many...

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