Article Listing

  • Editorial: Who pays for Enrons crimes?

    Editorial: Who pays for Enrons crimes?

    June 3, 2005

    The Supreme Court’s decision to throw out the conviction of the giant accounting firm, Arthur Andersen, on obstruction of justice charges underscores a case of justice denied for 90,000 workers worldwide who lost their jobs when...

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  • Editorial: Deep Throat and George W.

    Editorial: Deep Throat and George W.

    June 3, 2005

    A hallmark of gangsters and fascists is their allegiance to a “code of silence.” So it is no surprise that Watergate burglar G. Gordon Liddy now accuses Mark Felt, the infamous “Deep Throat,” of violating government...

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  • Building socialism in the U.S. one brick at a time

    Building socialism in the U.S. one brick at a time

    June 3, 2005 By Tim Wheeler

    The collapse of the Soviet Union was an enormous ideological windfall for U.S. imperialism. President George H. W. Bush delivered a triumphant State of the Union message Jan. 28, 1992: “[C]ommunism is dead…By the grace of...

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  • Corporate influence on health exposed

    Corporate influence on health exposed

    June 3, 2005 By Phil E. Benjamin

    The average family medical cost this year will exceed $12,200 — up from $8,000 just four years ago — according to the Milliman Medical Index, a corporate consulting firm. To a large extent this reflects the...

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  • Labor Update

    Labor Update

    June 3, 2005

    UAW endorses Sweeney The United Auto Workers has endorsed John Sweeney for re-election as president of the AFL-CIO, UAW President Ron Gettelfinger announced May 26. Sweeney, he said, “has actively encouraged a lively, open and much-needed...

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