Article Listing

  • Death penalty opponents protest in Vt., Conn.

    Death penalty opponents protest in Vt., Conn.

    May 12, 2005

    On May 8, about two dozen death penalty opponents began a five-day walk to protest the Connecticut’s plans to execute a serial killer who admitted murdering and raping eight women in Connecticut and New York in...

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  • Defend Pablo Paredes and all GI resisters

    Defend Pablo Paredes and all GI resisters

    May 11, 2005

    On May 11th, sailor Pablo Paredes and soldier Kevin Benderman will face a military court martial for their opposition to the Iraq War. Their applications for conscientious objector status have been denied. Meanwhile, Camp Pendleton announced...

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  • Grassroots actions tell Bush: Dont touch Social Security!

    Grassroots actions tell Bush: Dont touch Social Security!

    May 6, 2005

    DALLAS: Latinos have a big stake in Social Security and are willing to fight for it — this was the theme at the Hispanic Federation’s Town Hall meeting held here on April 28. The League of...

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  • Mexican Americans and war: Where do they stand?

    Mexican Americans and war: Where do they stand?

    May 6, 2005

    “Raza Si! Guerra No!” by Lorena Oropeza has recently hit the bookstores. This book is an important read for those concerned with the struggles of Latinos for justice and equality, as well as everyone else in...

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  • Cathern Davis Flory, educator, dies

    Cathern Davis Flory, educator, dies

    May 6, 2005

    CHICAGO — Cathern Davis Flory died here April 2 at 84. A memorial was held at the DuSable Museum of African American History. After the service, her ashes were spread among the bushes and flowers that...

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